Monthly Archives: November 2017

The Balance Force: FFXIV Aetheryte Edition

Recently I have been playing #FinalFantasyXIV, I had a couple of friends that played Swtor asking me to try it out. That was about 3-4 months back, I was reluctant at first since I really didn’t know too much about the genre of #FinalFantasy. But since there is a free trial of the game, how could I really say no. And I’ll be honest I really had no idea that #SquareEnix made an MMO. So my friend said to me, “I think you’ll really enjoy this game.”. And like I said there’s the free trial. My friend took the time to explain to me what the jobs (classes) are and the races in the game.

I wanted to put out a review type of guide covering the basics of the game which I learned since I had started playing. But I don’t want to throw out too much information as to confuse anyone who might be new to trying FFXIV.

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