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Ziost story impression and disappointments


Recently I’ve got to go through the second part of the Ziost story, on my Sage. And so far I like what Bioware did storywise. But I can’t help to feel like it lacked in content. Now, keep in mind that you have to finish your storyline on Yavin in order to get the mission-story arch for Ziost. Once you get to Ziost, you meet up with Lana/Theron (depending on which side you’re playing on), pick up a few missions and evacuate some citizens and fight mind controlled minions of the Emperor and are introduced to “The Sixth Line Jedi Order” (in some cases people are calling ‘The Grey Jedi Order’).

NOTE: May contain spoilers

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Ziost, healers and exploiters… oh my.


~ Ziost

So in all honesty, I got to try out the Ziost line on PTS when they announced it for Subs only. I went through it, mostly spacebarring. I didn’t really want to ruin it completely for myself. But taking my time and actually watching the cutscenes, I was impressed with the story content, that I was disappointed when I got to the end cause I really wanted to finish it and know what happened. But I only did it on my Sage on JC pubside, I’ll eventually get to do it on my other characters later on after May 4th.

Ziost storyline, for the little tidbit that they gave us. I look forward to finding out the rest of the storyline. As I said before, I’m impressed so far with the storyarch. What I expect is alot more of history/lore about Ziost. I find it real interesting on the beginning areas of Ziost beautifully done, the vibe is well done.

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Cantina event follow up…



The presentation of the event was nicely done with ESL and the host. But essentially it was the ‘Dev Stream 2.0’, on that I was disappointed about that. My speculation is that Bioware wanted to ride the same wave from the March Dev Stream and hype. Bioware could’ve just continued on from the Dev stream and just have ‘recapped’, and could’ve gone into the new information from there. But guessing they wanted to somewhat drag it out to fill space. But I can’t help to say that it still felt like they were falling short in some areas. Now granted there was a few setbacks, and I wasn’t too sure of what happened in regards to the team up of Bioware and ESL. But seeing that ESL streamed the Cantina event confirmed that there’s still a partnership going on. And I speculate that at some point Bioware will do another type of event in conjunction with ESL. Any future ‘Operation: Victory’ event? Or any event to make up for it?

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Community Cantina ~ Anaheim


I first want to say that I’ve have some personal things come up and apologize for my late post. But better late then never. Let’s dive into the what happened.

Now during the live stream, everything they pretty much stated was a repeat of the dev live stream a little while ago. That was a little disappointing. But, it seems like Bioware like the response that they had from the Dev live stream and they wanted to ride the carpet keeping the same momentum and energy. To me repeating the same thing loses its pazazz and just feels stale. I understand the direction that Bioware wants to go, Bioware could’ve just recapped and made the rest of the cantina about new things and news. I admire their effort though.

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Rise of the Emperor


First off, if you missed the Dev’s stream you can view it here. And there are some spoilers, so if you don’t want any spoilers. Than don’t watch it.

I will say that I personally think that the Dev’s did a good job with this stream, using the presentation that they were going to use for Pax East. Energy was good, the giveaways, nice touch.

Great that they’re building hype for ‘The Rise of the Emperor’, a new storyarch, and yes like the Devs said it did leave a few questions unanswered. I guess we’ll learn more once 3.2 hits the live servers. This stream seemed to cover PvE content, I was noticing in chat a lot of questions as to bug fixes, PvP, class balancing, cross-server, etc. If you can dodge a wrench, you dodge a question.

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