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“Knights of the Fallen Empire” leaked info

Looks like either someone stepped in some poodoo there. And leaked some info in regards to the announcement/expansion. Now whether it was a mistake or just to ride the coat tails of hype. Hashtags of #knightsofthefallenempire , #swtor , #faceyourdestiny and #swtorfamily still has been booming with hype.

The news has been spreading like wildfire, and it has been exciting players and attracting some returning players. I will say that #Bioware is moving in the right direction. With all this hype the pressure is on Bioware to really deliver a high quality product and streamline PvP aspects along with queues.


Remember the following may contain spoilers.


This picture has been circulating around the web and Twitter, looks greats. And as I said in my last post, speculations have been flying around. This has shed some light. There’s also a picture that has Eric Musco’s face photoshop on the twins.

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“Knights of the Fallen Empire” expansion 06.15 announcement

So it was announced today June 12th for what’s on the agenda for June 15th for E3 for EA. Most importantly, SWTOR ‘Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion’. Hype has been hitting the Twitter feed under #swtor and #faceyourdestiny hashtags.

  • Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – The largest story-driven expansion to date, Knights of the Fallen Empire, marks a renewed focus on cinematic storytelling in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The expansion will deliver on the hallmarks of what makes a great BioWare™ game: new worlds to explore, new companions to recruit, and a dynamic story that players will be able to shape based on the choices they make.

Watch #EAE3 LIVE on on Monday, 6/15 at 1PM PT

The following may present spoilers.

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