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Knights of the Eternal Throne, MMO evolution or deterioration?

After a summer of silence, and months of anticipation #Bioware has given us some information on #kotet. New York Comic Con Cantina event gave us an inside look of the upcoming conclusion to #kotfe. Ideas of Bioware listening to it’s playerbase may have fallen on deaf ears, some have stated. Blur gave us a teaser trailer and a full trailer. In short, it’s a backstory on Vaylin, so obviously you have an idea of the direction of the story. Vaylin is Emperess now and it’s pretty much an ultimate battle of Good vs. Bad aka Light vs. Dark.

Bioware for awhile has wanted to go back to its roots of story story story-telling, #KnightsOfTheFallenEmpire was pretty much Bioware’s way of testing the waters and dipping their toes in a different direction of what MMO evolution they have in mind. Though KotFE came with mixed reviews, the foundation of the game was the same, now with the next step of a complete revamp of the whole system of the game.

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Community Cantina ~ Anaheim


I first want to say that I’ve have some personal things come up and apologize for my late post. But better late then never. Let’s dive into the what happened.

Now during the live stream, everything they pretty much stated was a repeat of the dev live stream a little while ago. That was a little disappointing. But, it seems like Bioware like the response that they had from the Dev live stream and they wanted to ride the carpet keeping the same momentum and energy. To me repeating the same thing loses its pazazz and just feels stale. I understand the direction that Bioware wants to go, Bioware could’ve just recapped and made the rest of the cantina about new things and news. I admire their effort though.

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