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Cantina event follow up…



The presentation of the event was nicely done with ESL and the host. But essentially it was the ‘Dev Stream 2.0’, on that I was disappointed about that. My speculation is that Bioware wanted to ride the same wave from the March Dev Stream and hype. Bioware could’ve just continued on from the Dev stream and just have ‘recapped’, and could’ve gone into the new information from there. But guessing they wanted to somewhat drag it out to fill space. But I can’t help to say that it still felt like they were falling short in some areas. Now granted there was a few setbacks, and I wasn’t too sure of what happened in regards to the team up of Bioware and ESL. But seeing that ESL streamed the Cantina event confirmed that there’s still a partnership going on. And I speculate that at some point Bioware will do another type of event in conjunction with ESL. Any future ‘Operation: Victory’ event? Or any event to make up for it?

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Community Cantina ~ Anaheim


I first want to say that I’ve have some personal things come up and apologize for my late post. But better late then never. Let’s dive into the what happened.

Now during the live stream, everything they pretty much stated was a repeat of the dev live stream a little while ago. That was a little disappointing. But, it seems like Bioware like the response that they had from the Dev live stream and they wanted to ride the carpet keeping the same momentum and energy. To me repeating the same thing loses its pazazz and just feels stale. I understand the direction that Bioware wants to go, Bioware could’ve just recapped and made the rest of the cantina about new things and news. I admire their effort though.

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