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Knights of the Eternal Throne, MMO evolution or deterioration?

After a summer of silence, and months of anticipation #Bioware has given us some information on #kotet. New York Comic Con Cantina event gave us an inside look of the upcoming conclusion to #kotfe. Ideas of Bioware listening to it’s playerbase may have fallen on deaf ears, some have stated. Blur gave us a teaser trailer and a full trailer. In short, it’s a backstory on Vaylin, so obviously you have an idea of the direction of the story. Vaylin is Emperess now and it’s pretty much an ultimate battle of Good vs. Bad aka Light vs. Dark.

Bioware for awhile has wanted to go back to its roots of story story story-telling, #KnightsOfTheFallenEmpire was pretty much Bioware’s way of testing the waters and dipping their toes in a different direction of what MMO evolution they have in mind. Though KotFE came with mixed reviews, the foundation of the game was the same, now with the next step of a complete revamp of the whole system of the game.

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Need more #KotFE



We are about a month away from #KnightsoftheFallenEmpire expansion, and some information has been trickling out. Thanks to the wonderful miners of ToRCommunity we have gotten tidbits of upcoming things such as UI improvements. Recently, #Bioware had maintenance to make improvements to the back end systems to optimize load times, graphical improvements. And honestly, it’s been good so far, I’ve seen huge improvements on the load times.

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Bitter taste of #KotFE

livestream swtor 08.26

As most of you know, there was a live stream on August 26th at 5pm PST. It gave us a preview of the upcoming #swtor expansion #KnightsoftheFallenEmpire. Now let me just be clear as to I will not post any spoilers, I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone. For those of you that actually want to watch it. There is the following video.

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Light KotFE or Dark KotFE


As we draw closer to the release of #KnightsoftheFallenEmpire expansion, many of us wonder what exactly are we in stored for? Bioware hasn’t really said too much, but on August 26th a live stream will take place showing actual gameplay of #KotFE. Bioware decided that they were cancelling the Community Cantina and instead were doing a live stream where they’ll hand out Cantina codes to viewers and other swag they will be giving away. You’ll be able to watch through The announcement is below (link).

musco live stream august 26

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A fresh cup of KotFE



Greetings all, I know that it has been a while since I posted. So forgive me for the delay, I’ve had quite of personal things going on. I went to the San Diego Community Cantina Event. As some of you were aware of the pic’s with some familiar #swtor community members. And had the most interesting time, meeting up with Marshall and Will from ‘The Usual Podcast‘, Jessie from Unholy Alliances, Heather of Pretty Little Sith & Corellian Run Radio, and Andreas aka Chinn’ook from my same server of Jedi Covenant, and not to mention Bam and the #WookGuild.

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Knights of the Fallen Empire Trailer

Some beautiful work in this video. #knightsofthefallenempire #eae3 #faceyourdestiny has several posts in regards to the expansion.


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“Knights of the Fallen Empire” expansion 06.15 announcement

So it was announced today June 12th for what’s on the agenda for June 15th for E3 for EA. Most importantly, SWTOR ‘Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion’. Hype has been hitting the Twitter feed under #swtor and #faceyourdestiny hashtags.

  • Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – The largest story-driven expansion to date, Knights of the Fallen Empire, marks a renewed focus on cinematic storytelling in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The expansion will deliver on the hallmarks of what makes a great BioWare™ game: new worlds to explore, new companions to recruit, and a dynamic story that players will be able to shape based on the choices they make.

Watch #EAE3 LIVE on on Monday, 6/15 at 1PM PT

The following may present spoilers.

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