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Bitter taste of #KotFE

livestream swtor 08.26

As most of you know, there was a live stream on August 26th at 5pm PST. It gave us a preview of the upcoming #swtor expansion #KnightsoftheFallenEmpire. Now let me just be clear as to I will not post any spoilers, I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone. For those of you that actually want to watch it. There is the following video.

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Welcome ‘It’s a trap Podcast’ and a twist of 3.2.1

First off, I want to give R3dn4 and Ordoo a shoutout on their New Podcast which is available on iTunes, Stitcher and their website. If you like Star Wars Canon, you’ll love these guys. You can follow ‘It’s a trap Podcast’ on Twitter. These guys have been working hard to bring this new and exciting Podcast. Give them a review on iTunes and Stitcher. (Waves hand) You WILL listen to this Podcast.


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Rise of the Emperor


First off, if you missed the Dev’s stream you can view it here. And there are some spoilers, so if you don’t want any spoilers. Than don’t watch it.

I will say that I personally think that the Dev’s did a good job with this stream, using the presentation that they were going to use for Pax East. Energy was good, the giveaways, nice touch.

Great that they’re building hype for ‘The Rise of the Emperor’, a new storyarch, and yes like the Devs said it did leave a few questions unanswered. I guess we’ll learn more once 3.2 hits the live servers. This stream seemed to cover PvE content, I was noticing in chat a lot of questions as to bug fixes, PvP, class balancing, cross-server, etc. If you can dodge a wrench, you dodge a question.

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